High Plains Grasslands Alliance
Join us!
Our meetings and workshops are open to surrounding communities. If you are interested in learning more about the Alliance, potentially joining as a member, or just want to participate in an upcoming workshop, then we would like to have you. The calendar below provides a list of upcoming events. Please contact us if you plan on joining a particular event so that we can plan for your attendance.

Upcoming Events
Beaver Ecology Workshop
When: June 10th, 2017 - 9:00 AM to 4 PM
Where: Twin Willows Ranch, Ocate, NM
The Twin Willows Ranch and High Plains Grasslands Alliance invite you to a Beaver Pond Ecology Workshop. The workshop will be lead by Rich Schrader of River Source. Rich will be giving us a hands-on introduction to beaver pond water quality and the aquatic insects, fish, and amphibians found in our northern New Mexico High Plains beaver ponds.
The day will consist of a classroom discussion of the basic elements that make for quality pond habitat, hands-on sampling of the insects, fish, and amphibians that we find in the beaver ponds, ID of these critters and release back to the pond, and finally a more in-depth look at aquatic insect adaptation, behavior, and morphology.
For more information and to register, contact Michael Bain at:
Drought Planning Workshop
When: September 23, 2017 - 9:00 AM to 4 PM
Where: Black Willow Ranch, Tipton Rd, Watrous, NM
The High Plains Grasslands Alliance invites you to join us for a Drought Planning Workshop this September. Kirk Gadzia of Resource Management Services, and Todd Graham of Ranch Advisory Partners, will lead us through an in-depth exploration of the concepts, tools and practices that make the difference between survival and success for ranches operating in drought-prone northeastern New Mexico. Learn about strategies for managing your land, livestock and finances before, during and after drought, and come away with a financial modeling tool that will help you predict when to make the critical decision that are the foundation of any good drought plan!
Click here for more information.